In Adventures in Beauty Wonderland, Japanese pop surrealist Keiichi Tanaami crafts a 4:39-long psychedelic anime “inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, unveiling an underworld of kaleidoscopic cosmetics.” You can also “Enter wonDiorland… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: April 2018
Švankmajer’s Alice Books Are Now in English!!
Jan Švankmajer’s film Alice (originally Něco z Alenky) is well known to us all, but did you know his surreal collages served to illustrate books of both Wonderland and Looking-glass? Perhaps… [read full post]
Bridgette Mongeon’s Sculpture in Houston Is Up!
Bridgette Mongeon’s monumental tea-party sculpture, Move One Place On, is now fully installed in Evelyn’s Park in Bellaire, Texas, a suburb of Houston. She talked about it at our Spring 2015 meeting… [read full post]