Our partners in crime across the pond have published a new text on Carroll’s 1895 paper What the Tortoise Said to Achilles. This special edition of The Carrollian contains the original… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: February 2017
Spring Meeting Announced!!
Our 2017 Spring Meeting will be in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area on the weekend of March 31 – April 2. The full-day Saturday meeting with be at the… [read full post]
Fine Press “Jabberwocky”
A beautiful 24-page, apx. 7 x 10 inch letterpress “Jabberwocky” has been printed and illustrated by Norman McKnight of the Philoxenia Press in Berkeley in an edition of 50. He… [read full post]
The Wonderland House
A developer in Woodbridge (a suburb of Detroit) has rehabilitated a century-old home, turning it into a “Wonderland House” with statuary, stained glass windows, and the like. He previously has… [read full post]
The Met Releases Digital Assets
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC announced that it is making 370,000 public domain items in their collection available digitally for download. Searching for “Lewis Carroll” has 63 results, eight of… [read full post]
Raymond Smullyan, 1919 – 2017
The mad, mathematical, musical, magical, and thoroughly Carrollian Raymond Smullyan died on February 6th at the age of 97. Renowned for his logic puzzles, lightning wit, many books, magic tricks,… [read full post]