Here’s something you don’t see every day: a tattoo depicting Alice reaching for a book from an enormous stack of books. The visual pun here: the stack of book spines… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Month: August 2013
Free Knitted Hedgehog Pattern
Yes, you read that correctly. A free pattern for knitting yourself some hedgehogs. Just in case you were looking for one. Maybe you’re planning to crochet yourself a croquet set,… [read full post]
Rock Video Depicts Alice in Nightmare-Land
If you’re into rock and perhaps a touch of goth, you might enjoy this video from a band known as Breaking Benjamin, for their song Evil Angel. The visuals are a… [read full post]
Carrollian Connections in the Waterspell Trilogy

As you may have noted by reading some of our prior blog posts, a number of our LCSNA members are authors. Member Deborah J. Lightfoot writes to tell us that… [read full post]
Calling All Carrollian Book and Print Artists!
If you are an Alice in Wonderland fan and create book or print-based art, you’ll want to read this notice we just received. Note the deadline, and submit this month!… [read full post]
Alice Artworks and Gifts by David Delamare
If you’re not already familiar with the Alice-themed artworks of artist David Delamare, you’re in for a treat. Do yourself a favor and visit his site sometime when you have… [read full post]