
LCSNA Spring 2016 Meeting
April 14, 2016 - April 17, 2016
The Spring LCSNA meeting was held April 14 through 17, in the Washington DC/Baltimore/Virginia area. Highlights included events at the Library of Congress; the landmark Imholtz exhibition at the U of Maryland; hearing from children’s literature authority Leonard Marcus, collector Catherine Richards (postcards), Ellie Schaefer-Salins on psychological theories named from the works of Lewis Carroll, photography scholar Diane Waggoner, the Washington Post’s book critic, Michael Dirda, printer George Walker, illustrators Tatiana Ianovskaia and Oleg Lipchenko, Victor Fet on “Forty Russian Snarks or Boojums”; and talks and an exhibition of Carrollian Disneyana mounted by Matt and Wendy Crandall. We were also welcomed to four members’ homes for social events and viewing their collections.
- This event has passed.