From the “You can’t make this stuff up (unless maybe you’re Lewis Carroll)” Department comes this entertaining news item from the UK. It seems a florist in Blackburn had a… [read full post]
Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar Defies UK Smoking Ban

The Blog of the LCSNA
From the “You can’t make this stuff up (unless maybe you’re Lewis Carroll)” Department comes this entertaining news item from the UK. It seems a florist in Blackburn had a… [read full post]
For those of you out there who are not regular watchers of the long-running (and frequently brilliant) animated series The Simpsons, we have a treat (not a trick) for you…. [read full post]
If you haven’t already seen this clip (or the film from which it comes), one of our UK mimsy minions pointed out that this parody of the Twilight series included a… [read full post]
Roger Allen, a long-time member of the LCS(UK), has produced a very amusing booklet, Lewis Carroll Phillustrated, of 42 pages measuring 8 x 11¾ inches and beautifully illustrated in color… [read full post]
Today, we received this note and clever riff on Lewis Carroll’s famous poem Jabberwocky, from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. Thank you, Austin Dixon, for sharing this with everyone!… [read full post]