People and Places

Lewis Carroll Sites

Lewis Carroll Memorial Window

This page contains a sampling of links about Carroll/Alice related sites. Not all sites will have photos.  If you know of more, please email us with the information.

Carroll Connections

These are sites with a real Carroll connection.

Oxford and vicinity

Daresbury and vicinity

Croft and vicinity



  • A photo of The Chestnuts in Guildford.
  • Carroll’s Grave courtesy of findagrave.


Carroll used to vacation here and met many young child friends at the beach.

  • A Carroll plaque was unveiled at 7 Lushington Rd. on March 7, 1996. The building now houses a dental practice.

Sites That Pay Homage To Carroll

These are sites to which Carroll never went, but they have erected a memorial to him.


New York


  • Please Touch Museum has an extensive Alice experience/exhibit

