View All Blogs Celebrate 150 years of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ this fall with events in NYC and elsewhere BY ALLISON CHOPIN NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Friday, September 4, 2015,… [read full post]
The Blog of the LCSNA
Author: Joel Birenbaum
A Personal Guided Tour of the Morgan Exhibit by Danny Ashkenasi
from Notes from a Composerpersonal musings on music, theater and a life in the arts by Danny Ashkenasi DANNY and KELLY go see ALICE at THE MORGAN August 12, 2015by Danny… [read full post]
Wall Street Journal article of June 12: For the anniversary of ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ translations into Pashto, Esperanto, emoji and Blissymbols
This post contains excerpts from the WSJ article, which emphasizes Alice translations, including a preview of the ground-breaking three volume set, Alice in a World of Wonderlands. See full article… [read full post]
New York Times article 2015/03/19
New York Times article 2015/03/19 While the Alice of Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” was a fictional British character, she has touched the hearts of young and old worldwide,… [read full post]