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Literary Feasts: Inspired Eating From Classic Fiction (Atria, 2006, ISBN 1932338292) by Sean Brand has a section on the Mad Tea Party, and most important for the thrifty collector, is… [read full post]


Jim Dale’s Alice

Jim Dale, actor and reader of the Harry Potter audiobooks, has just come out with an Alice in Wonderland audiobook, available at all fine bookstores and booksites.



On the front cover of the July issue of Art Monthly Australia is artist Polixeni Papapetrou’s photo “Lewis Carroll’s Beatrice Hatch before White Cliffs” (taken in 2002), which features her… [read full post]

Posted in Art

Snark citation

Yes, I know I’m behind the times a bit, but in case you somehow missed it, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit cited “The Hunting… [read full post]



According to Slate’s “Dictionary of Obamaisms”:Jabaracky (jah-bah-ROK-ee) n. A fictional creature spawned from political fairy tales, characterized by nonsensical phrases and policies.Example: In certain Republican circles, the phrase “Beware the… [read full post]
