New Narrative Poetry Book About Alice and Her Adventures in Wonderland

We have just received this nice note from poet/author Jessica Young:


My name is Jessica Young, and I am a poet and teacher (at the University of Michigan).  I have a poetry book coming out that seeks to re-envision “Alice in Wonderland” to try to figure out why Alice was having all of those strange dreams.  The book is narrative poetry, so it tells a story–it has a plot, characters, etc.  It’s extensively researched to be historically accurate (e.g., the plants mentioned are all plants indigenous to the area!), though of course the plot is a little wild.  And of course there are lots of Carrollian influences, like patterns and Jabberwocky poems.
I thought maybe society members might be interested to read the book, or read about the book.  My publisher’s website is here–  My own website is here–
I would so love if you passed on information about the book, and would absolutely welcome any comments or questions.  I’m out in Michigan in the US, but anyone is most welcome to email ( or call (209-POE-TICS).
And if any members happen to be in NY at the moment, they are most welcome to attend my release party.  It’ll be August 31st at Poets House (in NYC), from 5:30-7:30.  There’s a reading followed by a reception, and both are free.
Many thanks,
Jessica Young”