Bits & Bobs

Is it me or is it just sad that the “Jabbawockeez,” winners of “America’s Best Dance Crew” discuss how much they like Mexican food but fail to acknowledge the source of their name?

Xanthic Eye’s Wonderlost series of paintings gives the Wonderland characters the look of pale white porcelain dolls, with white clothing and black and blood-red details… some of which are actually blood. These “black, and white, and red all over” pictures can be viewed at

The U.K. publisher of Frank Beddor’s Looking Glass Wars series has announced a mash-up competition to promote the series. “A mash-up is a remix of images, movies clips and sounds created by using simple editing technology… A series of mixable clips based on scenes, characters and events from the books have been created and are available to ‘mash’ at”

Marvel Comics continues its fairy tale/superhero crossovers with Avengers Fairy Tales #1-4. #1 (released March 12) was based on Peter Pan, #2 (April 9) will be based on Pinnochio, and #3 (May 14) will be based on Alice: “No one’s telling any “tall” tales this month as Cassie “Stature” Lang’s size-shifting abilities accidentally send her spiraling “down the rabbit hole” and into Wonderland! Stature finds herself on an Alice-like adventure through this warped world where nothing is quite what it seems. And when she finally runs into the other Young Avengers, will she be able to bring her twisted teammates to their senses in time, before Queen of Hearts has off with their heads?!” The lovely cover can be seen at (No word yet what #4 will be, but if they are going with the usual classic four, it will be Dorothy/Wizard of Oz.)


One thought on “Bits & Bobs

  1. Many thanks for your enthusiastic leap into the Pool of Tears assisting Princess Alyss and Royal Bodyguard Hatter Madigan with their harrowing adventures into pop culture.

    We would like to share with you new revelations from Wonderland as they come into the Looking Glass Wars Library and Hatter M Institute. If you’re interested in receiving this confidential material, before it becomes public, please supply a secure email address.

    The LGW Librarian

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